About Lerato

Thursday, 17 July 2014

The 3 Traits That The Person Who Is Meant For You Should Have

Life is really all about the people you choose to spend it with. Some of these people push you to be the best version of yourself, while others drag you down or hold you back.
Due to a mix of envy, jealousy, confusion or lack of personal ambition, some people don’t want to see others succeed. Watching those around them succeed means they are failing, and this attitude is toxic.
By identifying the following attributes in the people you choose to spend your time with, your relationships will be more mutually beneficial and happy, and help forge the path to inevitable success.
A worthy adversary, a challenger and a person worth your time, love and effort is the only type of person you should associate with. You can recognize this type of person when he or she is all of the following:

Someone who challenges you

We all like to be comfortable; it’s a beautiful feeling of relief and consolation, like finally getting into your own warm bed after a long, rough day.
However, comfort is not always a good thing. We can easily become too comfortable in today’s world of instant gratification. This level of comfort can often lead us to settle, and that needs to be avoided at all costs. This is why we need to surround ourselves with others who will not let us get too comfortable.
Your girlfriend and friends should always be challenging you to be a better person. They should aid you and push you to reach your full potential, question your decisions, provoke your thoughts and support your actions.

Someone you can see a future with

Respect and trust goes hand in hand, and really, these are the most important things. It is essential to have respect for the people you are close with. Expect and hope they tell you the truth and are real with you. Blind encouragement, or passive-aggressive conflict resolution can destroy relationships.
We need those we trust and respect to always tell us the truth, even if it is hard to hear. Respect and trust are the foundations of love, stability and success.
Relationships that have these components are meaningful if both or all people involved are very invested in the overall success and not selfishly using each other for personal gain.
We are the company we keep; so analyze your relationships and make sure the people you spend time with challenge you to be a better person. Ask yourself if you truly respect and trust the other person, and overall if he or she will be a part of your future and grow alongside you.

Sunday, 16 March 2014


As a woman sometimes we place so much focus on the type of guy we want to marry, but less emphasis on the kind of woman we are to be, not for him, but for ourselves. I grew up being taught to write down a list of things you want to see in your future husband. As a born again, top of my list was Man of God, Prayer warrior, worshiper, business man etc .
As I grew older I learned that such men don’t just happen, they are groomed in Gods secret making process, which may not be complete by the time I say I do… The other day while going through this list. I started asking myself I wonder if my husband to be had the same list? Would I match up to his criteria? It hit me then that it is less about what I want him to be, but more about the kind of woman I had to be to for myself first, before I can be what he desires.
It then dawned on me that perhaps the greatest mistake that we make as woman is that we place so much emphasis on the perfection that he must possess, that we neglect dealing with our own imperfections. Somehow we believe that marriage will deal with the areas that we would rather not expose. One thing that I have come to know, is that marriage doesn’t heal or deal with what you never exposed. The demons that you fail to acknowledge will not just disappear because of his presence in your life.
So now my prayer has changed from GOD bring Mr the right man, to God prepare me to be the right woman, not for him, but for me, for the sustainability of what we will once day share. It scary I won’t lie to have to deal with issues that you thought you had mastered, but that’s the first point of healing. Being able to acknowledge that I am not perfect and need God to do an intense surgery from within. Because there is no way I can even begin to love someone else’s imperfections if I can’t love myself.
I’m learning that If I want things to change in my life it has to start with me. For so long I tried to separate who I was from what I did until I finally accepted that I needed it all to be whole. I can no longer pretend that I didn’t feel ashamed for the many detours my life made along the way. I have taken the task of washing my rags with Grace. I have come to accept that I cannot undo what I’d done, but I don’t have to accept a lifetime of punishment for it either. I don’t have to accept pain just because I hurt others. I don’t have to settle just because I was afraid to dream. I don’t need a project just because I want to hide my own rubble.
I am learning that You can’t keep pretending you aren’t aching. All my life I wanted to heal other people and ignore my own bleeding. I don’t believe marriage was meant to be a bandaid to cover our pain, no more than church became the place where we pretend we’re okay. In the safety of our lover’s arm with God’s presence hovering above we pray our love gives them the strength to sift through their rags. How could I motivate healing unless I started with myself?
This isn’t about staying married, getting divorced, or falling in love. This is about recognizing that you have to search for the beauty in your rags so that you can help someone else see the beauty in their own. It’s not about being with someone who makes it easier for you to ignore your imperfections, its about creating a love that inspires growth. Starting with you and spreading that love to all you encounter…

A better tomorrow is reserved for those brave enough to embrace their past, exhale their shame, and create hope in the face of doubt. Because I’m tired of dividing who we could be, who we are, and who we once were… I can’t ignore my past and have a full future.  I’m going to show my children that we don’t always get it right, but we never stop trying. I’ll teach them that some tears you cry over and over until you get to the root of the problem. And I’ll strive to teach them that you have to love yourself first, because that’s the only way you can truly love another imperfect person…

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

What to Do When It Makes No Sense

“I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I — and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.… I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” (Job 42:1-3, 6 NLT)
Instead of asking God “Why?” you need to learn to trust God in things you don’t understand.

For 37 chapters in the book of Job, Job asks the “why” questions: “Why is this happening to me? Why are you allowing this? Why so much pain? Why so much discomfort? Why haven’t you answered my prayers?”
In chapter 38, Job stops asking “why.” And God says, “Now I’d like to ask you a few questions.” And for the next two chapters, God barrages Job with questions that only God can answer.

He asks things like, “Where were you when I made the universe? Can you explain the law of gravity?” And, after two chapters, Job realizes that he is just a man, and his knowledge is limited. Who is he to question God?

Job stops questioning, and he starts trusting. He replied to the Lord, “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I — and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.… I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance” (Job 42:1-3, 6 NLT).

What do you do in a situation where you can’t see the whole picture, things aren't clear, and it makes no sense to you what’s happening?
You remind yourself of the things about God that you do know. Even in the middle of his doubts, Job affirmed what he knew to be true about God: God is loving (Job 10:12), God is all powerful (Job 36:22), God is in control (Job 34:13), God had a plan for his life (Job23:14), God would protect him (Job 5:11).

I don’t know what you’re dealing with in your life, but I will tell you this: God is passionately and intimately aware of every detail that you’re going through right now. He’s paying attention to your every breath. Nothing misses God’s attention.

You may not understand why you’re going through what you’re going through, but you need to say this to God: “I know you’re good; I know you’re loving; I know you’re powerful; I know you notice the details of my life; I know you’re in control; I know you have a plan; I know you will protect me.” Then, you need to trust God — no matter what.

Whatever you’re going through, tell God exactly how you feel. He can handle it! Accept help from others. Stop asking “why,” and start trusting God for the things you don’t understand

by Rick Warren

Be Blessed!

Friday, 31 January 2014

Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up
by Rick Warren
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Failure is never final. You’re never a failure until you quit, and it’s always too soon to quit! You don't determine a person’s greatness by his talent, his wealth, or his education. You determine a person’s greatness by what it takes to discourage him.
So what does it take to discourage you from going after your dream? It may be as simple as a friend or relative or family member telling you, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

The Bible says in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (NIV). You want to know how many times I wanted to resign from Saddleback Church? Just every Monday morning when I think, “God, surely somebody could have done a better job than I did yesterday. This thing is too big for any one person.”

God says, “Just keep on keeping on.” I may not be real bright sometimes, but I don’t know how to quit. I don’t know how to give up.

God works in your life according to your faith. The Bible says, “Without faith it’s impossible to please God” and “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” and “According to your faith it will be done unto you.” So what are you doing in faith? You need to ask yourself every day when you get up, “God, what can I do today that will require faith?” That’s an important question, because that’s what’s going to please God.

There are a lot of things in your life you don’t have control over. You didn't control who your parents were, when you were born, where you were born, or what your race or nationality is. You didn't control what gifts and talents you were given. You didn't decide how you look.
But you do have complete control over how much you choose to believe God. God uses people who expect him to act, who never give up, who take risks in faith, who get his dream and go after it. It’s your choice whether you want to be the kind of person God uses to accomplish his purpose.

Talk It Over
  • What are the things that discourage you and keep you from pursuing your goals?
  • How do you think God wants you to respond to those circumstances?
  • What act of faith is God asking you to do today?

God Bless!

Thursday, 16 January 2014


A young woman sat on a park bench over lunch and while she sat there she noticed a butterfly trying to come out of its cocoon. She watched it struggle and struggle for more than an hour.

Eventually feeling sorry for it she reached for a small pair of scissors and gently used it to clip open the cocoon. To her surprise the butterfly that was released did not fly away but instead it just sat there totally crippled. 

You see, what she did not realise is that the struggle a butterfly goes through, is what pumps blood into its wings so that it may be able to fly! 

Isaiah 40:31

King James Version (KJV)
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The eagle is an unusual bird, because it has mastered the ability to fly into a storm. It "mounts" strong winds as though it is going up a staircase. It is the only bird that you will find flying during a storm. 

This year, 2014, approach life with the majesty of an eagle! Do not be afraid of headwinds or opposition; use them, mount them like stairs for your success! The word "wait upon" comes from the Hebrew word, "qawah", which denotes someone who is "serving" as they wait. It is an active process and not passive.

You might be struggling to get a job; you might be struggling to make your finances work; you might be struggling to fund your education; you might be struggling to make a small business successful; you might be struggling to get ahead in your job; you might even be going through viscous persecution, that even threatens your very life.

Listen to me; from today, start thinking about it differently! No matter how dark, no matter how challenging, you are not going under; you are going over...just don't give up!



Change History by the words that you speak.

Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and spoke words that would change history. “I have a dream…”As a preacher, King understood the power of words. His bold declaration became a pivotal moment in the American Civil Rights Movement and shifted the destiny of his followers.The power of the spoken word is one of life’s greatest mysteries.
All you will ever be or accomplish hinges on how you govern what comes out of your mouth. What you allow to occupy your mind and proceed from your mouth either lifts your life to the heights of success, or sends it to the depths of failure, sadness, and discontent.

Most believers live beneath the standard God has ordained for His children—they don’t realize every declaration and decree has the power to change the trajectory of their life and alter destinies.

Too many people release careless words into the atmosphere—then wonder why they aren’t experiencing the life God promised.

Scripture reveals that the universe responds to our words—good or bad, purposeful or errant. So don’t waste your breath! You will be held accountable for every idle word, but you will also be rewarded for words spoken in faith.

Your words are the raw material that forms the life you were meant to live! Just as great architects select the perfect combination of brick and mortar to build towering skyscrapers and timeless monuments, consciously choosing your words pulls the resources of heaven into your circumstances.

Remember, words released into the atmosphere do not disappear or dissipate. They are not limited by geography. They are suspended—incubated in the Spirit realm—until conditions are right for them to be realized.

So don’t waste your breath! Use your words to release God’s power and presence in your life today. Speak life transforming, destiny-altering words!

By: Cindy Trimm

Saturday, 11 January 2014

I Spoke to my unborn child!

I do believe that although you have not been formed in my womb, you are there, in the deepest place, where God is downloading you with all things pertaining to life, for the skyscraper life  you are to lead. At times though, I so badly want to meet you, but when I look at how rough the world is, the disfunctionalities in society, how the abnormal things have been made normal. I question my desire to bring you into such world. Amidst the fears I’m reminded though, that my fears can’t abort Gods purpose, because I know that is what you are. So in the midst of my fears which are  at times overwhelming, I know I must yield to the greater will, Gods creation of you.

At times, in my secret place when no one is watching, I push my tummy out and pretend you are there, I talk to you, because in my heart I believe you are listening. Insane others may say, but not at all for me, cause I know that every word I speak, one day I will see the fruits therefof.So let me speak to you my dear child, let mama tell you one of the greatest lessons I recently learned and wish to share with you, which I believe will help you as you try and make sense of world and your place and purpose in it.

If there is one thing that I will drill into your head from the time your mind can comprehend, is that you can be anything that you want to be. You see my love, all my life I desired to be on TV, not for fame but I believed and still believe that media is one of the greatest mediums, which can be used constructively when placed in the right hands. But because of external pressures I began to down play my dream, because in a home of academic and high achievers being on TV is seen as  aiming low and ambitionless.

It’s painful my love, to live in the shadow of others , to try and impress people who will never really be impressed by you, and who will later not be there to assist when their expert advice on the “best career path “fails dismally. So If asked what I know now, that I wish I knew then, I would wish that I trusted and listened to my inner voice more than the opinions of others.

I look back though, at times with regret but also with gratitude because I see now that they are certain lessons that can only be learned through the fire. And maybe all that I have been through is to teach you you, not to go down the similar path, not to make the same mistakes, and if you make them, to know that I am here to walk you through it all. So my love, when you know what you want in life, stick to the convictions of your heart, let nothing  down play your dream, not even you, There is no bar, you will have as far as your eyes can see.

Sometimes all we need is a PUSH!!

I have often heard people say no man is an island, that somehow we are all created to be beneficiaries of each other’s God given talents and gifts. In a society however which promotes a culture of “every man for himself” it is rare to find people nowadays who are able to see greatness is others and then make it their priority to ensure that they enhance it or provide a platform for that gift to flourish.

There is a question that I challenge myself with daily, which says: Whose success has become my priority, whose life has become better because of my existence?” If there is something that I fear most is to become so great that I forget that the greatest calling is to serve .I have learned it is in serving ,giving your life tirelessly   for those who can’t return the favor,that true love is expressed and the UBUNTU ideal made a reality.

While travelling in a taxi the other day I met a young man who taught me a valuable life lesson without even being aware of it. In our conversation he expressed his desire to one day be a lawyer, despite his family financial problems. He was now on route to his part time job of cutting grass, just so that he can get money to cover his fees for the next term.

What struck me about this young man, was his determination to fight for his life. I found myself struggling to hold back the tears as he explained how for many nights in the past term he had gone without food, or just on a slice of bread, these just a few of the many challenges that he was currently facing. As I was listening to him, desiring so much to just give a huge cheque to cover all his needs, yet knowing in reality that all I had in my wallet was a lousy R2.00 and what can that do?

Eventually after he was done, I got the courage to speak, still not sure what to say when the words “I believe in you and I know you can do it” came rushing out. Where I got the boldness to say that to someone I hardly knew still amazes me , but it came from a sincere place. He then burst into tears, and there I am looking at him, thinking ok did I say something wrong? He sobbed for like a good five minutes and we girls know there’s nothing more painful than seeing a man. Trying so hard to fight the tears, he explained that all his life, he had never heard someone tell him that. All his life he longed to find someone to believe in the possibilities of his dreams. His last words as he walked away.. “You have given me hope.”

I left that day moved and so inspired and like Oprah I had an AAAAAH moment and it hit me as I watched him disappear at a distance that “sometimes all we need is a push. “At times  all people need is the assurance that they have the inherent power in them to overcome. When you expose people dynamic and transformational power of love, you give them reason to believe, to hope, to live. I  have come to know that the human spirit understands one thing love, its born of  love , for love, to be loved. Once it finds this love, it thrives, lives and believes.

Let me end by leaving you with this to ponder on: The true character of a man is measured by the way he treats those who can do nothing for them. Be love, spread love, live love!