There is a question that I challenge myself with daily, which
says: Whose success has become my priority, whose life has become better because
of my existence?” If there is something that I fear most is to become so great
that I forget that the greatest calling is to serve .I have learned it is in serving
,giving your life tirelessly for those who can’t return the favor,that true
love is expressed and the UBUNTU ideal made a reality.
While travelling in a taxi the other day I met a young man
who taught me a valuable life lesson without even being aware of it. In our
conversation he expressed his desire to one day be a lawyer, despite his family
financial problems. He was now on route to his part time job of cutting grass,
just so that he can get money to cover his fees for the next term.
What struck me about this young man, was his determination
to fight for his life. I found myself struggling to hold back the tears as he
explained how for many nights in the past term he had gone without food, or
just on a slice of bread, these just a few of the many challenges that he was
currently facing. As I was listening to him, desiring so much to just give a
huge cheque to cover all his needs, yet knowing in reality that all I had in my
wallet was a lousy R2.00 and what can that do?
Eventually after he was done, I got the courage to speak,
still not sure what to say when the words “I believe in you and I know you can
do it” came rushing out. Where I got the boldness to say that to someone I hardly
knew still amazes me , but it came from a sincere place. He then burst into
tears, and there I am looking at him, thinking ok did I say something wrong? He
sobbed for like a good five minutes and we girls know there’s nothing more
painful than seeing a man. Trying so hard to fight the tears, he explained that
all his life, he had never heard someone tell him that. All his life he longed
to find someone to believe in the possibilities of his dreams. His last words
as he walked away.. “You have given me hope.”
I left that day moved and so inspired and like Oprah I had
an AAAAAH moment and it hit me as I watched him disappear at a distance that “sometimes
all we need is a push. “At times all
people need is the assurance that they have the inherent power in them to
overcome. When you expose people dynamic and transformational power of love,
you give them reason to believe, to hope, to live. I have come to know that the human spirit
understands one thing love, its born of
love , for love, to be loved. Once it finds this love, it thrives, lives
and believes.
Let me end by leaving you with this to ponder on: The true
character of a man is measured by the way he treats those who can do nothing
for them. Be love, spread love, live love!
Lovely piece this is.. Inspired <3