About Lerato

Monday, 30 September 2013


can remember taking a Chemistry class back in my high school days. As a teenager, my favorite courses were Gym, History, and yes, lunch time. My Chemistry class was very boring with the long lectures and note taking sessions. However, the class projects and group assignments made it interesting from time to time.

One thing I can remember learning about was temperature and itʼs effect on water. The teacher explained, when the temperature of water is raised to 211 degrees Fahrenheit, water then becomes hot and creates steam. However, at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, water begins to boil.

Itʼs interesting that just one degree Fahrenheit, makes the difference between steaming and boiling. Listening to this lecture as a 16-year-old kid, while looking at my watch, meant nothing at that time. Now, as I recall and reflect on the lesson as an adult, there are practical truths that we can learn.

Just one degree more is all it took to move from steam to boil. Have you reached your boiling point? Not the boiling point of being negative, angry, and upset to where youʼre going to jump off the edge. Iʼm talking about the place where youʼre working your God- given gifts, pressing towards your dreams, and making the little adjustments in your life that eventually make a BIG difference.
Is your dream only on steam? You say to yourself, “I wish I could do this…if only I had the money…I wonder if this may happen.” Itʼs time to stop wishing and wondering, itʼs time to start doing! No longer can you sit back, wait, and procrastinate. We must engage our minds and embrace the fierce urgency of now!

Itʼs time to turn up the temperature on your goals, dreams, visions, and ideas. How long will you continue to put off writing the book, opening the business, and going back to school? The only person stopping you is YOU! No longer can you continue to play the blame game and presently live in the past. Whatʼs past is past…itʼs over! Get up, shake it off, brush off your shoulders, and begin to engage your mind/will to press forward by any means necessary!

Youʼre so close to your boiling point! So close to breaking out and breaking through. Whatʼs holding you back? What are the adjustments that you can make in your life to turn it around? Maybe itʼs taking better care of your health/nutrition, forgiving people, thinking positive, breaking bad habits and addictions, letting go of negative relationships, and getting closer to God. Whatever changes need to be made, God has given you the power to do it. I challenge you to turn it up a notch, take it to another level, raise the temperature another degree, and you will see your life move from just enough to more than enough.

By: EddieConnorJr



Sunday, 29 September 2013


The greatest and most powerful "institution" that God ever designed to be a perfection reflection of his love and order is the family. The home is where presidents, ministers, architects, world class designers, sport heroes, accountants are pruned then released.
If we are to see any change in our country, then we have got to begin by instilling the moral and spiritual fiber in our homes. For those of you that are born again and are the only ones in your families that are born again, you should model God with so much authenticity, excellence in all areas of your life, that when your family looks at your life, they will long to have the God you have.

I was listening to Mrs Fino Dlamini recently and she said something very profound that got me thinking. She said it’s not normal that a child come to church and leave her parents behind, nor is it normal the other way round. She emphasized that the one way we are going to win our families is through character and love.
Your family does not need you to point out their mistakes, nor do they need you to bible bash them. You will be surprised that the ones you think are the outcasts are looking at your life and still trying to find reason why they must serve the God you serve, not because you are not going to church, praying, but your character, which is what matters most is a turn off to them.

Its love, which will WIN our loved ones and this world to Christ. Treat them with respect, yes they may have temporary challenges/weaknesses right now, whether it is alcohol, a bad attitude, theft, multiple partners, but learn to see past that, and see God in them. Win them with love, pray for them daily, knowing that the same GRACE that saved YOU, is sufficient for them.


So the one thing that fascinates me more than anything else in the world, the one thing that I passionately want to know and understand is LOVE, because like Mike Murdock says, “Love is a Devine Seed that has relentless unending harvest. “I am aware that at the tender age of 27, there is still so much more to life and love that I am still going to experience, learn and understand, yet at the same time Love has taught me some valuable lessons that I do believe will be of value to you .

One thing I do know is that Love, supersedes the physical realm, it’s rarely found in the hug, in the kiss, but it is deeply entrenched in the spirit, it is Spirit, for it is God. Love is the God inspired, God infused, God led desire to make a decision to daily place great value on the needs of another. Love discerns the discomforts of others and the passionately and vigorously endeavors to be the answer or provide a solution to that discomfort.

As a woman the one thing that we love the most, is to be listened to, contrary to men who are more physical beings, for us it’s the small things, like listening to us, that minsters to us the most.
Therefore LOVE is the willingness to listen, not just to hear, but to listen with interest. I have found that you will invest time into the lives of people that you love the most, whether you are aware of it or not, but there are people in our lives, that even if they would wake us up 3am in the morning needing our help, we would race out of bed to assist them, why? because those are the people we love the most and LOVE does that, it invest time in people.

 One thing that I have learned is that those that really love me, correct me, and I am able to receive correction from them, because I know that the root of this correction is LOVE. It has also taught me never to allow someone I care about to live uncorrected, their success means more to me than their affection. And last but certainly not least, the proof of love is in the swiftness to forgive.
We do not forgive just because the Word instructs us to, but we do so because every day we also need to be forgiven and one day we will also need mercy. My closing question to you today is: Whose comfort has become your obsession?

You are greater than you think!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Poem by Mirriane Willianson

Thursday, 26 September 2013

My story is one......GRACE!

Many a times when I meet people on the street the first words I hear is how wonderful my status updates are and what a blessing they are in their lives, and my response to them is always it’s about God and to him be the praise. The reason why I say that is because I understand fully that were it not for the GRACE of God I wouldn’t be who I am today. You see, what my wonderful updates don’t tell you, is the story behind them all. I wasn’t always like this, I didn’t supernaturally wake up and be the woman I am today. In fact I was the total opposite, confused, lost, no identity, going nowhere slowly…till I met God, in whom I found my being and reason to live.

So when you meet me, you see the product of Grace and it alone, you will meet someone who is not perfect, far from, but just being kept by God for his divine purpose. Ndincedwa ngu bawo bazalalwane, every day I am kept in him by the word and through prayer without him I know I won’t make it, for he is all I have got. All I am today is through the things I have learned along the way. I found God in the tears I had to cry when he told me to let go of people I held so dearly to my life, but their season had come to an end and letting go and letting God became my only option. You see God had to teach and is still teaching, total dependence on him, where there are no crutches, no one to run to as a first option, but him.

Through it all I have found a loving father, comforter, who is more real than anything I see with my physical eyes. A man who can’t be fooled by my lip serves, for he knows me and evaluates my heart to see what really matters most to me. It is not by power or might but by his spirit that many of us are able to live this Christian life. It’s not that it’s hard, not that at all, but greatness costs you something and it’s those things that you hold dear that eventually you will have to let go of. I’m learning that salvation is not really about what we gain, the cars, houses, status, cause you can and will have those things, for the advancement of his Kingdom, and still be like “Now that I have them, so what, still  not fulfilled.”, for our fulfillment is in Christ and him alone .

It’s really about the things that we let go of, those relationships that we walk away from, even though everything within us just wants to hold on, it’s how we daily allow God to make us, to break us, then mold us, so that our souls be aligned to the word. That’s the essence of salvation, not the tongues, not the preaching, but for your spirit to take over your soul, to be one with yourself, spirit, body and soul, for your soul to be born of the word. A man of God once said: “The highest dimension of the word is becoming what you have said, being an embodiment of what you confess and apprehend that which he called you to be before the foundations of the earth.”

Malachi 3:3 says: 'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

When God revealed the truth I thought I knew…My life changed for the best!

Growing up I was a staunch feminist, like really bad, not the placard and riot against men type, but deep inside I had this deep entrenched desire to be better than a man. It got so bad that I found myself saying things like “when I am married I am going to be so rich that I won’t even ask my husband for imali yesonka (money to buy bread), that I would rather starve, than ask him for anything. And mind you, this is not while I still a teenager, going through the whole I am too cool for guys stage, but in my early young adult stage, I was determined that ALL men will have to bow to down and worship the ground I walk on, just because I am Lerato Thipa.

 Until I met Jesus, and all of a sudden, without even being aware of it, this mindset shifted, in fact died. I began to truly understand the power that the word carries, in that it has the power to uproot anything that goes against the word of God. It was as if a light bulb had been switched on, and for the first time the eyes of my understanding were enlightened. I realized then, and am still convinced now, that as woman our struggle as woman is not equality with men, but a lack of identity, the inability to know who we are in Christ &what he has called us to so on earth=Our Purpose.

In a woman’s business breakfast, that I attended recentlt, the lady speaker said something that really amplified my notion. “That if we as woman are still trying to be like man, trying to be better than men, then we have missed it completely.  “You see ladies the anatomy of a woman was created in such a way, that she be the carrier of the man (husbands) vision, hence she was given a womb. She is the birthing cannel of his vision. According to the word, the man is the head, the leader, the word carrier, even deeper than this God sees him as God, the shepherd pastor of the household.

I have learning though, that as powerful as the man is, his greatest power comes from his ability to lay down his life, and love his wife, like Christ loves the church. As woman we have a God ordained responsibility to nurture, love, care, protect, the seed God has given the man, until he births all that God has given him.

In  a society which is all about woman emancipation, woman rights, woman issues, emphasis I  believe, should not be placed on how woman can occupy more job positions, but on ensuring how, beginning in the home, do we as a society  produce a caliber of woman, whose identity and mind is to entrenched in Christ. So  that when placed in positions of power, it’s  about the fulfillment of  purpose ,about meeting  the needs of the people, rather  than about getting a competitive advantage over men .So ladies, lets understand who we are in Christ, his Devine purpose for our lives. Let me end by saying that true success as woman is when in your soul you become who you already are in Christ.

6 Ways to Live on Purpose by EddieConnorJr

1. LIFT your mind to another LEVEL.
Oftentimes the greatest impediment to our success is our mindset. If you’re thinking negative, that is exactly what the result will be. The way you’re thinking has everything to do with where you’re going. Replace discombobulation with determination. Press past the negative and move into a place of positivity. Read something that will empower you, listen to something that will encourage you, and place yourself in the company of those that will inspire you, to LIFT your mind to another LEVEL.

2. Walk in LOVE.
Love is not weakness, it is the ultimate strength exemplified. Being mean, hateful, envious, jealous, and bitter makes you a magnet for those types of people to infiltrate your life. Let the light of God’s love shine through you, to illuminate every dark place that surrounds you. Don’t return people’s hate with hate and stoop to their level. Show love instead. Love is not waiting to receive, it’s continually giving without reciprocity being a focal point. Bless somebody with your smile, generosity, kindness, encouraging words, and testimony…walk in love day by day. (I Corinthians 13)

3. LEAVE your past in the past.
I’ve learned that people will bring up your past, simply because they have no power to stop your future. You have the power to change your future, but it’s powerless if you live in your past. Let every hurt go, let negative people go, and begin to GROW through
pain. Learn from your past, don’t live in it. Don’t let your past imprison your future. Blast past your past, recommit to the present, and plan for the future. This is NOT the time to break down, this is the time to BREAKTHROUGH! Release the past, rejoice in the present, and reach for the future! Don’t let anything divide you from your destiny or subtract from your success. This simple math equation suggests… Your future > than your past!

4. Get active LOCALLY.
Realize that you are gifted and mandated to contribute your gifts, to empower others. Wherever you are planted, bloom there. Nurture, develop, and enhance your gifts to enrich lives and your community. What are you passionate about? What are you driven to do and pursue? There is a solution that you can provide to the problems that your community, school, or government is facing. Begin to think critically to find a remedy to the malady, that you’re passionate about. There is a gift in you that can bless the world. Start where you are, the harvest is abundant but the laborers are scarce. Your gift will make room for you. Develop your gift, it can take you from the most remote places on the planet to the most prominent platforms. When you impact people LOCALLY, you will be in a position to do greater things GLOBALLY.

5. Take the quantum LEAP.
Don’t be afraid to do something different. Doing the same thing, expecting a different result will only yield the same result. Lifting your mind to the next level, helps you to leap into the stratosphere of success. Don’t say it won’t work if you haven’t tried it. Take the leap and believe that ALL things are possible. Your faith is like a muscle, it gets stronger when you stretch it. Leap, stretch, and move to the next level!

6. LIVE and LEAD on purpose.
Remember there are three types of people in life: those who wait for it to happen, those who let it happen, and those who have the tenacity to make it happen! Which one are you? If nobody ever gives you an opportunity, then use your gifts to create an opportunity. Go for it! You’re too close to quit. Don’t give up on your dreams. Shake off the negativity and move into opportunity, by walking in your purpose!



Monday, 23 September 2013

A love letter to my Kids

One day when I am sitting with my kids and they say: “Mom, you are known all around the world for teaching the gospel with miracles, signs and wonders; you have written numerous best sellers, and you own properties nationally and internationally fit for Kings.

 You have advised presidents, Kings, Queens, ministers, mayors and statesmen and changed the destiny  nations; on top of that you are a humanitarian, called to serve, dedicating your life poverty alleviation in Africa, through various projects you are running in the wealthy continent and…. you have your own tv show viewed all around the world, changing lives and advancing the Kingdom….so mom how did you get thus far?”…I will tell them that it wasn’t always like this, that there were times when everything God said was challenged, to the point mommy almost gave in, but God kept her and the word sustained her through it all& now mommy understands that were it not for the grace of God, his love and mercy daily, she would not be who she is today.

You see my sweethearts I will say, mama must be honest with you and tell you what others might not tell you, that greatness will cost you everything, that because of the calling of God upon your life, there are certain sacrifices you have to make, not for self-glory, but for Kingdom advancement.

There are people whom you love so much, that you must walk away from, not because they are bad for you, but because they were right for that particular season, but not relevant for this one that you are in. When it gets to friends: only those anointed and permitted by God to walk with you will stand by you, till you be all that God has called you to be&vise versa.

 And you and dad they will ask?…Well*smiling* I didn’t kiss many frogs to get him, nor did I compromise myself in search for him, I know my worth. I waited in the LORD, stood on his promises, not easy at times, but GOD kept me and I waited knowing full well that God in his time will send him, but I knew he would come, he had to.. cause Gods knows my love for kids&my desire to a perfect helper to the man he chose for me…so when we met he knew me, for before the foundations of the earth God set us apart for his glory, and today you are the wonderful fruits of my patience..

 That to love people, will cost you something, your time, your resources, but mostly yourself, for to LOVE is to lay down your life for another. With that said though my anointed priests…mom has had to learn to yield and totally depend on God more than any man. I have learned that prayer connects you with the power to change thing, and it is my life, for God is my all& intimacy with him is what sustains me..

Mom has learned to see God in every man and has made it her priority with God’s help, to ensure that lives are changed, through, the word of God. I have learned that to serve is the greatest calling on earth and to help people  succeed i.e finding their purpose in Christ and living is what fulfills me most…and the key to moms greatness??….that will have to be LOVE…

You are who and what God says you are!

It was love that took Jesus to the cross. He, who knew no sin, became sin so that today you and I may be the righteousness of God. You have been told so much about your condition, and never about your position, who you are in Christ. So much so that even when you refer to yourself, it’s with the tag that the world has given you.
But NOW God is given you a new tag, you are not what you have done or what you are doing, that is temporal and subject to change. But you are who and what God says you are. You are made in the image and after the likeness of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Everything about you radiates the beauty that God is. You are the expression of Gods Devine nature. You are the epitome of Love and greatness.
You are unique, set apart, a peculiar people dearly loved by God. It is by GRACE that you are the righteousness of God, not because of anything you have done. There is nothing you can so to make God love you, he died for you while you were still dead to sin. Loving you is who he is, NOT what he does. So stop the condemnation, stop the guilt trip, stop bringing yourself down, you are a priest and King. God loves you, God, your father, the creator of all things, adores you!






If you look back In history from the time of the Wright brothers, to Alexander Graham Bell, to creation of Microsoft by Bill Gates, to the renound clothing label Dolce and Cabana, what are similarities in all these people is that everything we use today, that they created, began through a thought/idea.

Your greatest asset is not the cars that you drive, the money that is in your bank account or the houses that you own, but your MIND is your greatest treasure and wealth. In an article I once read about Bill Gates where someone broke into his business building in an endeavor to steal this great Microsoft idea, all they managed to get way with was a lousy computer. People thought Bill Gates would be devastated, I mean who wouldn’t be? .Here is one of your greatest treasures being stolen from you by someone who will sell is for far less than its real value. In the most calmest voice he replied, “I am at so much peace, because what they took, does not even come close to the value of the ideas that I still have in my mind.

 “They may have stolen a computer, but I they didn’t steal my mind, which is the source behind my great, innovative ideas.” Today I want to tell you that you are a thought away from your next million, one idea away from being a well-known entrepreneur ,fashion designer, talk show presenter, author, etc, it’s just one thought away .It’s not money that you need, but an idea.

Even when you pray don’t limit God by asking him for money, pray that God will give you an idea, and out of the idea money will follow you. My theme for  life is “MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.” All that you need in inside of you, deep within you is an idea that is going to skyrocket you to heights that your natural mind can’t even imagine. I challenge you to dig deep within yourself, pray fervently in the spirit, that multibillion idea, it’s there, it just needs you to dig, and we dig through fervent PRAYER, for it connects us with the POWER to change things!


I do believe with all of my heart that Africa is the wealth resource center for the whole world. The greatest inventions, business ideas, world class hotels, restaurants, designer labels and monuments are going to come from this Giant called Africa. When I look at Africa, I see a continent with so much potential, a continent whose uniqueness is in its diversity, and it’s this diversity that sets us apart from other nations. I do understand however that the current problems that this country is facing can be traced to a lot of things, and it’s not in my place to judge or criticize those in authority, for I am mandated by God to pray for my leaders. 

The problem that you see is the problem that you are assigned, the time to complain about whose not doing what in this country and continent is over. The problem that grieves your heart the most, e.g orphans, poverty etc., is the issue that you were created to solve.

 Before the foundations of the earth God impregnated you with the solution to that problem and your duty is to identify it, though prayer, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, worship, praise and the word. I do believe that what Africa needs are more intercessors.

Now there isn’t an office called intercession, there isn’t a gift called being an intercessor, for we are all called to pray, as we are led by the Holy Spirit. It is our duty as sons of God, to stand in the gap for the people of this continent, to declare that justice to prevail for the oppressed, to set the captives free, and declare the salvation of the Lord, first on our knees, then through ideas downloaded to us through an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. I really do believe that there is enough resources in Africa, to properly take care of all the people of this continent.

There is enough wealth for sustainable development and to improve the living conditions of people. We do not need to borrow from the western powers, for that is putting us into further debt an even widening the gap between the poor and rich, not only that debt is slavery. It’s a system that puts us in an unending back lock. I do understand that the liberation of this continent is not an overnight success, because there are systems and policies that have been put into place for centuries and by passing will take more than just lip service.

I am aware though that we serve a mighty God and if under the law he could use people like Moses, Joshua, Esther ,Jeremiah to change the destiny of nations, how much more us who are operating in the dispensation of GRACE. It is time that the body of Christ takes up its rightful position, the abilities of God are in us, the power that raised Jesus from the dead is active and alive in us, if that power could raise Jesus from the dead, what can’t it do for Africa?

The mandate is to reveal the father, exalt the son, change Gods people and make them one. It’s time to nag God about Africa, to plead our case to our father about this continent, with groaning and cries for his people, it’s time to PRAY, this is our strongest weapon, for it connects us with the power to CHANGE things. “THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME DOWN AND AFRICA WILL BE SAVED!”

The discomfort of separation for Gods Purpose...

I am learning that though man is not an island and created to help each other through the challenges of life, but there comes a time when God says ok this one is just for you and me. When Abraham was on his way to  “sacrifice” his son out of obedience to what God had said, he travelled with people to support him, but when he got to a certain places, He said,. Ok you remain here, this is as far as you can go, because this is my mountain to climb.

God doesn’t work with masses, but every time he wants to change the destiny of nation, he calls individuals out from the masses and says, come out from them for you are called for my purpose. Many of you God has been calling to him for a long time, but out of fear of walking alone, you took people to the place, only fit for you and God.

There are people in your life, who have become like crutches, whom you know you can always run to in times of trouble, but today God says enough with the crutches, enough with trying to depend on people, I want you to call and cry out to me. The problem that you are facing is not as big as you think, for greater is he that is in you, than the one that is in the world. The people that you are leaning on, let them go, they were never meant to be the Gods that you have made them.

God cannot do what he wants to do in your life, till you have surrendered all to him, till there is a total dependency on him. Its time that we give ourselves totally to God, if there is a part of us that believe we can do by ourselves, if we have relied on our gifts more than Gods ability in us, then even our gifts we must surrender, for as long as we still think that this one I can do myself, God can’t be God.

This is the year where we are going to be blessed outside of our comfort zone, the year where we are going say goodbye even to those we thought we can’t live without.Let’s go back to our first love, with hearts like that of a child and say father, I can’t do it by myself, I am gifted, anointed, chosen, but all that counts for nothing, if you are not my first my love…ALL TO THEE MY BLESSED SAVIOUR I SURRENDER ALL!

Love that teaches you to be still and wait in God

God has been teaching me about love (Agape) these days, especially in the area of relationships and I am shocked at how the world standards of love, is so contradicting to the word. When I was young I used to believe that when you love someone(as in guy/girl)then it makes perfect sense that, that love be expressed and if it’s not, then he really didn’t love me, and neither did I. Growing up however, has shown me what love is, that it is God, and therefore it is spirit. It does not have to express itself through the physical senses, for that is a dimensional lower than its high nature.
It’s not really in the hug, or kiss or even sex, but more in the awareness that in this person I see all that I want in man or woman, but revelation of who that person is in Christ, their divine nature, which is God, allows me to wait and not act on my emotions, until God brings us together. Love is deeper than what we have made it, it’s the most powerful force on earth. It is God, who supersedes the physical realm.
It’s a deep connection to someone whom you have never touched, hardly talked to, but when you see them everything in you just knows that “I am you and you are me.” I encourage you all to first come to an understanding who the Lord is, let him teach you about himself, and then you will not just settle for anything or anyone. You will wait, in the Lord, walking in your purpose, till the Lord, sends him or her your way.
Don’t be in a such a rush for marriage, don’t compromise your standards in pursuit of what you already have, but need to grow in the understanding of(Love).You can’t find love outside of yourself, for you are love, born of love, to love and be loved. Teach your soul to wait, diligently discipline it, through a daily renewal of your mind in the word. Let the Word be perfected in you. Delight yourself in the Lord and he shall grant you the desires of your heart.


A life laid down to serve!!

I have been meditating on the life of Moses and Esther for the past week  and I believe,This is the time where God is looking for people who will avail themselves for the advancement of his Kingdom. (Exodus2vs23-24)The word says God heard the cries of his people and decided that the time to act was now. In response to their cries he appointed a man called Moses, as an answer to their burdens and solution to their pain.
I do believe that the time has come that we go before God with a heart that says “Lord what is it that you want from me, for your people, who are the people whom you have created me for, to ensure that be all that you have created them for, then as he reveals it through prayer we lead and deliver his people out of the Kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of hid dear son. There’s a question that I ask myself every day: “Whose discomfort had become my obsession?”


Love, the key to Success!

We live in a day and age where there the characteristics of being a champion/ mighty men or women of God, are more about external resilience, than about the content of character. I am learning through the word that the men that were used mightily by God, were not men who had the greatest intellect, but they were men and woman with flaws, yet in the midst of their weaknesses, God found in them a heart with which he could use as a catalyst and pioneer of restoration, deliverance and liberty for his people.

Daily I am challenged by one thing only and that is LOVE, reason being is that my sincerest desire is to love the way Jesus loves. Through my study of the life of Jesus, I see in him an authentic lover, whose primarily concern is people and not self-glory. To be a mighty woman of man of God has nothing to do with your capabilities, but everything to do with your heart and God’s grace. If you believe that you have been called to serve in Gods Kingdom, than it’s your character that will be tested the most.

 Every day before God promotes you and entrusts you with more souls, and responsibility, he will first check to see your faithfulness and diligent in taking care of and cultivating the little that he entrusted you with, for GOD can never will never allow his sheep to be led by a shepherd who has no love and compassion of the flock.

 Secondly, what you currently own is a reflection of the capacity of what God knows you can handle for the dimension you are in, for God does not give you what you want, but what he knows you can manage and cultivate for the advancement of his Kingdom. So every year you may ask God for a house, car, more money but will first search your heart to check your motives, so that he gives it to someone, who  won’t  be arrogant or selfish because of the blessings. There is an order to greatness.1)LOVE.2)HUMILITY.3)A REPENTITIVE HEART.4)SERVING.5)SELFLESSNESS…PROMOTION IS A RESULT OF THE COTENT OF THE HEART NOT YOUR ACTIONS!

We need critical thinkers


What, if anything, are you thinking? Have you ‘thought’ your way to who you have become or has life ushered you there without your conscious involvement? We need more LEADING ‘thinking women and men’. To toy with an idea and then develop an opinion towards it, creates thought in a space previously empty. To go a step further and begin playing consistently in this space is what’s termed, thinking. And for the esteemed minority, those who seem to get a kick out of reasoning with an idea until they find meaning and significance, this is called ‘critical thinking’.

 Author and literary critic William Lyon Phelps believed the brain is susceptible to becoming lazy, “At a certain age some people’s minds close up; they live on their intellectual fat.” Successful brands require trimming brain fat and exercising intellectually in order to create ideas worthy of today’s challenges. Albert Einstein, one of histories greatest thinkers said, “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive” and in the spirit of critical thinking he toyed a step further, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”!

 The lack of critical thinkers is a global phenomenon. Recently in a public lecture in Ghana, ! General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church, Pastor Mensah Otabil ripped into the entire Country, “Ghana has stopped thinking; we talk loudly and think very little. This is a noisy nation with no clarity, so much heat but no light”. !

Overseer Otabil sounded the alarm even louder, “It is just scary watching a nation run itself into the ground”… “We denigrate ideas without considering their merit. We drag useful proposals into the gutters and wreck mischief into any proposal that does not emanate from our side of the political divide.”!

Like Countries, families and individuals; the workplace will need leaders and employees alike to get off their intellectual couches and find the courage to think in order to build a culture conducive for innovation and global competitiveness. To sustain a ‘thinking culture’ one must know their values and be open to new knowledge. Values create the framework, and knowledge expands the thinking territory.!

Thinking provides the oxygen for your personal brand to breath, doing so critically, gives your brand the wings to fly. Thinker George Bernard Shaw suggested that it exercising his brain meant everything to his career, “Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once a week.”

 By:Timothy Maurice


Its the season of birthing!!

September represents a chance to birth something NEW! This 9th month of the year, can be compared to the process and stages of childbirth. In the pregnancy stages, a woman endures discomfort, many changes, contractions, and labor intensive pain to ultimately birth a child. In order for a mother to give birth and deliver her child, she has to push!

There are some goals, dreams, creative ideas, and business plans that you desire to birth and bring to fruition, but it won’t happen unless you push through the obstacles. You’ve got to push through the tears, push through the haters and naysayers, push through odds, and push through negative thoughts in order to give birth to the reality of your dreams!

Don’t you realize that you’re pregnant with purpose, promise, and possibility? Don’t let anyone or anything abort your purpose, possibility, and potential! When you know, WHO you are and WHOSE you are…there’s nothing that can stop you.

Wherever you reside on this African Continent, adopt the mindset to see the words “I CAN” as an AFRICAN. The last 4 letters in the word “African” should inject with you a spirit to say “I CAN” open the business, birth my vision, become a millionaire, contribute to my community, attain my education, overcome obstacles, believe in my dream, and make it through any situation. Say to yourself, “I CAN can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

By Eddie Connor

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

About Lerato

I made in the image and likeness of God.I am the LIGHT, SOLUTION AND DIFFERENCE OT THE WORLD.I AM A KINGDOM CITIZEN it is in me and i have enterted it.On earth the Kindgom of heaven is seen through me. I am purpose driven, spirit led and winning souls is what matters above all!I am LOVE!