About Lerato

Monday, 23 September 2013


If you look back In history from the time of the Wright brothers, to Alexander Graham Bell, to creation of Microsoft by Bill Gates, to the renound clothing label Dolce and Cabana, what are similarities in all these people is that everything we use today, that they created, began through a thought/idea.

Your greatest asset is not the cars that you drive, the money that is in your bank account or the houses that you own, but your MIND is your greatest treasure and wealth. In an article I once read about Bill Gates where someone broke into his business building in an endeavor to steal this great Microsoft idea, all they managed to get way with was a lousy computer. People thought Bill Gates would be devastated, I mean who wouldn’t be? .Here is one of your greatest treasures being stolen from you by someone who will sell is for far less than its real value. In the most calmest voice he replied, “I am at so much peace, because what they took, does not even come close to the value of the ideas that I still have in my mind.

 “They may have stolen a computer, but I they didn’t steal my mind, which is the source behind my great, innovative ideas.” Today I want to tell you that you are a thought away from your next million, one idea away from being a well-known entrepreneur ,fashion designer, talk show presenter, author, etc, it’s just one thought away .It’s not money that you need, but an idea.

Even when you pray don’t limit God by asking him for money, pray that God will give you an idea, and out of the idea money will follow you. My theme for  life is “MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.” All that you need in inside of you, deep within you is an idea that is going to skyrocket you to heights that your natural mind can’t even imagine. I challenge you to dig deep within yourself, pray fervently in the spirit, that multibillion idea, it’s there, it just needs you to dig, and we dig through fervent PRAYER, for it connects us with the POWER to change things!

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