About Lerato

Sunday, 29 September 2013


The greatest and most powerful "institution" that God ever designed to be a perfection reflection of his love and order is the family. The home is where presidents, ministers, architects, world class designers, sport heroes, accountants are pruned then released.
If we are to see any change in our country, then we have got to begin by instilling the moral and spiritual fiber in our homes. For those of you that are born again and are the only ones in your families that are born again, you should model God with so much authenticity, excellence in all areas of your life, that when your family looks at your life, they will long to have the God you have.

I was listening to Mrs Fino Dlamini recently and she said something very profound that got me thinking. She said it’s not normal that a child come to church and leave her parents behind, nor is it normal the other way round. She emphasized that the one way we are going to win our families is through character and love.
Your family does not need you to point out their mistakes, nor do they need you to bible bash them. You will be surprised that the ones you think are the outcasts are looking at your life and still trying to find reason why they must serve the God you serve, not because you are not going to church, praying, but your character, which is what matters most is a turn off to them.

Its love, which will WIN our loved ones and this world to Christ. Treat them with respect, yes they may have temporary challenges/weaknesses right now, whether it is alcohol, a bad attitude, theft, multiple partners, but learn to see past that, and see God in them. Win them with love, pray for them daily, knowing that the same GRACE that saved YOU, is sufficient for them.

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