About Lerato

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

5 Ways to Put Steam into Your Dreams

1.      Be a Goal-getter.
It’s been noted that on average, only about 5% of people write down their goals. Yet the 5% who do, end up accomplishing those goals 95% of the time. A small percentage of doers can make a BIG difference. If you write out your goals you have a better chance of accomplishing them…when you see it, that’s motivation to do it! GOals help you to go and propel yourself forward, without them you lack direction.
2.      . Read information  that stretches your mind.
Remember that “a mind stretched by new ideas, never returns to its original dimension.” What you feed your mind today, will grow in your life tomorrow. Begin to feed your faith and let your fears/doubts die of starvation.
3.      Love and appreciate who you are.
Too many times we focus on our weaknesses and become so self-critical, that we ignore the value that we have within. You canʼt expect anybody to love and appreciate who you are, if you donʼt love and appreciate yourself first. You will eventually attract who and what you are. Know who and whose you are. When you don’t know who you are, you leave it to the world to define you. Embrace your uniqueness and know your worth!
4.       Believe you can.
The power of belief is what will unlock the door of opportunity. The faith you have to look situations in the face and say, “in spite of what it looks like, I still believe” will catapult you to the next level.
5.      Step into the winnerʼs circle.
Whether youʼre in the winnerʼs circle or not, depends on whoʼs in your circle. You are who you hang around. You will either be a chicken or an eagle, a chump or a champion, a worrier or a warrior…which will you choose? You canʼt be a whiner and a winner at the same time! Take responsibility for your life, by getting in the drivers seat and push on the path of your purpose and destiny.
                                                                                                                                       by @EddieConnorJr


Friday, 18 October 2013

10 Secrets for a Succcessful Life

1.Forgive yourself and others

To be successful in life, you have to learn to forgive yourself and others for things that have happened in the past. It’s often easier to forgive others than to forgive yourself, but you need to say ‘I am no longer a prisoner of the past, but a pioneer of the future’. You cannot change what happened, you can only learn from it.
This doesn’t mean that you won’t face challenges and crises as you strive to achieve your dreams and ambitions. On the contrary, in Cantonese the word ‘crisis’ consists of two concepts, ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. We have to remember that in any crisis, there are opportunities, and we can choose to focus either on dangers or on opportunities. Opportunity is born through the birth pains of crisis.

2. Dare to dream

The poorest person in the world is the person without a dream, and the most frustrated person is a person with a dream that never becomes a reality. To be successful, you need to live your own dream and not try to live the dreams of others. You have to be successful for your own reasons. Share your dreams with others with care, because negative people will discourage you from striving
for your dream. All of us need encouragement as we dream. It is like oxygen
to the soul.

In South Africa there are generally two kinds of people – undertakers and caretakers, and neither of these are dreamers. The undertakers are people who always criticise and say that something will never work. Caretakers are those who are always taking care of other people’s dreams and never focus on their own potential.

When you dare to dream, you begin to use words like ‘it can be done’, ‘it is possible’ and you begin to understand the power of words. Words can build or break. Dreamers are people who have a positive attitude. They realise that it is not what is happening to them that counts, but how they react to the challenges. Dreamers think big and know that success does not come from doing the same thing the same way all the time. They constantly stretch themselves to improve.

3. Show determination and commitment

Staying power is all-important in reaching your dreams and goals. You need determination and commitment.
Embrace the five Rs:
Resolve – Determined and committed people resolve to do things now because they are hungry for growth and for success.
Refrain – Determined and committed people refrain from talking to negative people and refrain from negative influences.
Repeat – Once you are successful, you need to repeat the exercise so that you become even more successful. Success is a matter of repetition and consistency.
Responsibility – Realise that you alone are responsible for your future. You alone are responsible for the outcome of your efforts.
Re-invent yourself – Don’t become complacent. Consider new ways to become even more efficient in your skill.

4. Be disciplined

As you mess with success, you begin to understand that you have to be disciplined.
Self-discipline is often the missing element in many lives. Nobody can discipline you, but yourself. At some time or other you have to say ‘No’ to certain things in life – this is called delayed gratification – you pay now, you play later.
Although a lack of discipline might not have any immediate impact on your life, you need to realise that the pain and regret of these errors are only delayed, and will come back to bite you at a later stage. Both success and failure involve future consequences, namely the inevitable rewards or unavoidable
regrets resulting from past activities.

5. Make a difference

I urge you to show grace and generosity to those who are less fortunate than you are. Remember, what you do for your self disappears when you die, but what you do for others will remain a legacy. That is true success.

6. Set a SMART goal

Now that you know what you want to achieve or become, you need to define it by making it a goal. Your goal has to be:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely

7. Adapt to technology

Dependency on technology will increase in the future. Spend time learning new computer programs to improve your productivity, not as just another new toy.

8. Embrace diversity

Get comfortable with other ethnic cultures, religions and customs. Learn a little about the customs and attitudes belonging to workers from other cultures
and countries. You do not have to compromise any personal values or standards in order to do this.

9. Be creative

Being creative demands thinking outside of the box and looking for innovative ways in which to solve persistent problems, increase productivity or produce a new product or service. What worked last year may not necessarily work today. When a challenge presents itself, be the first to offer a new viewpoint or recommend an alternate course of action. Your ideas, combined with the creative ideas from other employees, will help your organisation renew itself as necessary to be competitive in the 21st century.

10. Check your attitude

Believe in yourself and have an ‘I can’ attitude. Train yourself to look beyond the negative events and to see the opportunity cocooned within an obstacle. By doing this you will add value to those around you. Refuse to grumble when circumstances are adverse. Refuse to complain. Be grateful for where you are now, and for where you are headed. Your attitude determines your altitude!

*The above is an extract from David Molapo's book Choose to Change*

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Chris, why am I not yet a millionaire?

Dear Chris, I am young, driven, aspirational person. A while back I decided to set a financial goal for myself and given what I’ve heard you teach, the clear and definite goal which I set for myself was – By 31 December 2013, I will have R3,5million in my possession – the year is now drawing to a close and I am no richer than I was at the beginning of the year. Please help me understand what it is that I am doing wrong – thank you”.

Let’s unpack the above situation and let’s do this in a series of sequential steps so that by the time you have finished reading this article, your money and wealth consciousness will have escalated considerably, and, you will have also gained valuable insight into what you have to do if you want to have the universe deliver ‘The BIG Money’ to you…

Allow me to introduce you to The Laws of Compensation: Ralph Waldo Emerson says that The Law of Compensation is the law of laws. As Emerson says “Every act rewards itself”. This Law is also known as The Law of Cause and Effect, or The Great Law or The Law of Karma. The best way to define compensation is what you invest time and effort wise into something is what you’re going to get back. To improve your life, you must first focus on and improve yourself. When you do this, you can expect good to be on its way to you. This Law will help you when you choose to help yourself.

This Law is based on three steps. Understand this clearly, the amount of money or good you will receive in your life is going to be in direct ratio with these three things:

1.      1. The need for what you do.

2.      2. Your ability to do it.

3.      3. The difficulty there will be in replacing you.

So, to build on point 1, if you want to be a millionaire, desiring to have R3,5million in your possession, then as your money coach, the very first question I am going to ask you is “Is there sufficient need for what to do, to deliver the R3,5million to you? How many people are benefitting from what you do? How many problems is your work solving? What true value are you adding to society? If you’re only adding some value to very few people, why should the universe reward you with large money? What makes you so special that it should rain money on you for what is really only a very small contribution to this world?

Next, if you want to be a millionaire, desiring to have R3,5million in your possession, then as your money coach, the second question I am going to ask you is “What is your ability to deliver against what it is that you do? Are you an absolute expert? Is your work of a world-class standard? If not, if your work in only worth a few thousand Rand at best, then why should the universe deliver R3,5million to you? Do you think the universe should give you more than what your work is truly worth? If yes, who gave you this false impression of your current monetary worth?

Finally, if you want to be a millionaire, desiring to have R3,5million in your possession, then as your money coach, the third question I am going to ask you is “Is what you do, so unique that it is very difficult to find anyone else who can do what you do? If what you do is also done by many others, then why should you be demanding ‘The BIG Money’ from the Universe? If an average burger and chips costs R30-00 would you pay R30,000-00 for an average burger and chips just because the person believes their burger and chips is worth that amount? I think not! So, why would the universe shower millions of Rands on you if what you deliver is ordinary, of benefit to just a few people and doesn’t really make much a difference to society and humanity?”

Yes, I know this is a very hard-hitting money article, however, as a money coach, it is my job to make sure that you understand that you will be rewarded according to the value which you create and so, if you create little value, then even if you go down on your knees every day and pray to universe for millions of Rands, know this, the money won’t come because that’s not how the universe works.

The universe is very fair and rewards you exactly with what you truly deserve, not a cent more. The universe will deliver to you in accordance what you deliver to others. Deliver little value, expect to receive little money. Deliver huge value to thousands of people and expect to receive millions of Rands. It is as simple as this.







Monday, 14 October 2013

Live Through Dying Places

In America, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a reminder that we can
overcome obstacles and live through dying places. All of us have been affected by
cancer, whether directly or indirectly. We must encourage our loved one’s/friends, to
schedule their Doctor’s appointments and increase their awareness about various forms
of cancer.

The saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” We must be more
proactive than reactive. It’s very important that we examine ways in which to improve
our lifestyles, eating habits, level of fitness, relationships, and overall personal

Every second in America, 2-3 people are diagnosed with cancer. Those are startling
statistics, yet harsh realities. Cancer is no respecter of age, race, gender, or economic
standing. A diagnosis is not a death sentence and the bright side is that there are 2.5
million breast cancer survivors, living in the United States.

How do you respond to the interruptions of life? How do you deal with hardship and
life’s challenges? These are the same questions I asked myself, being diagnosed with
cancer as a teenager. For nearly 2 years, I endured chemotherapy and radiation, 5 days
a week. The physical pain was unbearable with hair loss, nausea, spinal taps, etc.
Oftentimes the psychological pain took an even greater toll, where I wanted to give up
and die.

I was in the fight of my life, but I decided to resurrect faith in the midst of fear. I was at
death’s door, but I was determined to live. My belief connected with God’s healing
power and I gained the victory. To overcome I had to change my mindset from negative
to positive and see the impossible as I’m possible. I had to see the word “CAN” in
CANcer, that in spite of what I’m enduring I CAN make it and I CAN overcome…so CAN

You’re reading the words of a stage 4 CANcer survivor! By God’s grace and healing
power, I am alive today. I have overcome and continue to live through dying places.
YOU CAN too! In spite of the situation you’re facing, look at the pain and resurrect
power in the midst of it. Resurrect a smile in the midst of sadness. Resurrect a mindset
to overcome the odds. Shake yourself free from every breakdown and transform it into a
breakthrough…you can LIVE through DYING places!

BY: EddieConnorJr

Whose report will you BELIEVE??

There are so many voices that you have given Lordship in your life, so much so that when these voices speak you take what they say to be true. These voices may be your parents who have said that you will never be anything in life because of your temporary setbacks. It may your own destructive thoughts telling you that there is nothing left to live anymore that you might as well give up. It may society telling you that the unemployment rate is increasing, so you will never get a job. It may be your family telling you that in your family such professions are not allowed, because they don’t bring money, but my question to you today is : Whose report will you believe?

Whose voice have you amplified so much do that you believe the facts, which are always subject to change, through the word of God. I urge this morning not to go by the facts, but to take God at his word. Not everything that is said, that you must apply in your life. Be selective in your listening, if it’s not aligned with the word, don’t speak that in your life. This is what the word says:, I have plans to prosper you not to harm you,  plans to give you a hope and future.

I have made you the head and not the tail, and given you dominion over all things. As I AM SO YOU ARE. I am blessed and can never be cursed; the Lord has blessed all the work of my hands. I am co-heir with Christ. I own the whole world. Those are the confession that you must daily make over your life, because you will become what you constantly say. You are a Victor in Christ! Availability

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Never judge a persons story/pain you dont understand!!

When I lived in Cape Town a few years ago, I used to stay live in an area which has a high rate of prostitution, literally during the day, you would stop the car and in an instant you would have a lady by your window, asking “How much”. For some crazy reason I was fascinated by their lifestyle, not in way that I would ever be a prostitute, but inside me I had this burning desire to find out what drives a person to the point of desperation that they are willing to sleep with a man they don’t know? Inside I kept on thinking how desperate must one get to subject themselves to such a danger
So my curious self-decided to stalk one of them, well I didn’t really get to talk to her, don’t even know what her name is, but every night I would stand on the balcony and wave at her. Almost all the time it was just before a car parked at the side to pick her up. I juts grieved for her, but at the same time my then religious mind condemned her. I mean I would smile at her all the time, even during the day when I saw her drive away in another man, but inside I said hurtful words, all in ignorance because back then I was lil Miss Perfect and religion had taught me that anyone who wasn’t as perfect as me, or those I associated with was devilish.
But there is something about hitting rock bottom that makes you realise how imperfect you are , outside of Christ. Now don’t go thinking that I did drugs or whatever it wasn’t that bad, but for me my defining moment , or what Oprah call my “AHaah” moment came when I missed the mark in a certain area of my life and right there and then I began to see people differently. No longer did I have labels, to justify a lifestyle, the root of which I didn’t know. No longer did I run way from those that were not like me, but I embraced them with love.
I grew to understand the grace of God and I believe that I have not as yet fully grasped it. I learned that you may hate the lifestyle of a person, but never the person. You may hate certain behaviours, but it’s not in your pace to judge, but to love. Even your rebuke must be done so in love. Love is powerful; it’s the greatest force against any sin. Love, agape deals with sin by grace.
So when you walk down the street tomorrow and you see someone who doesn’t look like you, doesn’t act the way you think is appropriate. Before  you judge, verbally or within, Know this: That we are all made in the image and likeness of God and its LOVE  that we are need to walk in with all man, till we all walk  the reality of who we are in Christ.

Ladies:Matters of the heart:Its clean up time!

To the ladies. There comes a time in life where you have got to remove the mask and admit to yourself that there are deep inner issues that are causing the destructive patterns in your life. I am of the belief that no one wants to drink themselves to a standstill, no one wants to have sex with every man that avails themselves, no one wants to dress inappropriately, and no one wants to be a drug addict. No one whom God has made wants prostitute their body, for cash that doesn’t even amount to their worth. But there are deep issues,  i.e. seeds of rejection that have been sown, there are destructive words that have been spoken, abuse that has been afflicted, that is now manifesting itself in the fruits that you see in many woman’s lives. As someone who has been in Christ for some time now , I also had to learn the hard way that until I deal with the issues of the past, as anointed as I AM, there will be manifestations in whatever form , of the roots I failed to kill.
Listen it’s easy to just ignore the many signs that you are seeing that all is not well, but whatever you don’t acknowledge you can heal. Sex can’t solve, men can’t solve, drinking won’t do it, but only first admitting to where the problem lies, and then asking God the Holy Spirit to take you through it will help. It’s a process I must tell you because you are healed in your spirit man, but it’s your soul that must now believe it and walk in it.
If there is someone whom you are close to and would like to open up to them and you are comfortable with that, then do that, talking does heal. I just think that it’s time that we as woman take off the veil, take off the mask and admit to ourselves that I am struggling in this area and “God it’s you I need now more than anything else. “
We are not getting any younger and the longer we put things on hold, the deeper the issues become. We are going to be the calibre of woman that radiate Gods glory, but he can’t new wine, on old wine skin. There are things that have to be destroyed in this season, dealt with, once and for all.
Today take of the mask, cry if you must, but cry out to God in faith, and tell him that you need him to deal with all the issues that you have supressed for so many years. God is restoring all that you have lost. ITS TIME FOR GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT TO WORK IN US!

Men, the seed carriers!!

To the MEN. You are more valuable than society had made you believe. IN YOU God has deposited seeds of eternal greatness. Some of you are carrying future presidents, prime ministers, billionaires, inventors and history makers There is a seed that is on the inside of you, and all that you have been through, the silent struggles you have/had, are an indication of the magnitude of what you are carrying. Contrary to the labels that society had given you, because of your temporary challenges, you are Gods masterpiece, created unto good works.

I don’t know what it’s like to be a man, at times I am so grateful that I am not, because I have come to understand that being man goes beyond just jeans and t-shirt, its deeper than having muscles and god looks, but being a man means being means that you are a seed carrier and with that comes many persecutions and challenges.

 At times we as woman see put such blame on you, based our insecurities, at times we blame you for not being man enough ,and yet often ,not always, we are trying to find in you what Christ has not perfected in us, or in you, and for that God the holy spirit must help us.

 I want to assure you that are going to make it, you may have made so many mistakes and call yourself by what you have done , or are doing, but you are not that, you are better than the area in which you are missing the mark. You are who and what God says you are. A royal Priesthood, a peculiar being, fearfully and wonderfully made.

 In a society that promotes finding love/fulfilment in girls, sex, anything else that can temporary gratifying. I want to assure you that there is not greater love then Gods love, once you have made him your Lord and person saviour he will be the greatest love and help to you. Your success as a man is in fellowship with God the holy spirit, when you have him , you can’t go wrong. Temptations will always be there, but by his grace is sufficient you .You will stand as you yield to his council.

To those of you who are single, wait in and on God in your single days, and allow him to prefect the area in your life that still need work. Don’t allow temporary satisfaction to destroy Gods eternal plan for your life. One moment of ignorance may cost you more than hat you bargained for. Remember that you are a seed carrier, and everything that is coming after you, is after the seed, everything meaning woman too, not every woman dressed in beautiful dress has your best interest at heart,, but when you have the holy spirit as your councillor you will be able to discern the sheep form the wolves.

Stand on the word and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. No matter how big the dram that’s inside you, will make it, no matter what has happened know that you are right with God. God is able. You are Gods success; all things are possible through Christ.

To those that are married, I am not there yet and perhaps I am may not be able to say much, but just one thing, to you. Lay down your life for her, as Christ did for the church. Love her, listen, nurture, and cultivate the woman inside her, to be what God pre-ordained her to be. Love her, don’t compare her to the others, compliment her when she changes hair styles, remark on the new dress, applaud her excellent cooking, and you will cause her to always go before God on your behalf.

To all the men, I salute you, pray for you. You are the  greatest leaders of all time!

Whose report will you believe?

There are so many voices that you have given Lordship in your life, so much so that when these voices speak you take what they say to be true. These voices may be your parents who have said that you will never be anything in life because of your temporary setbacks. It may your own destructive thoughts telling you that there is nothing left to live anymore that you might as well give up. It may society telling you that the unemployment rate is increasing, so you will never get a job.

It may be your family telling you that in your family such professions are not allowed, because they don’t bring money, but my question to you today is : Whose report will you believe? Whose voice have you amplified so much do that you believe the facts, which are always subject to change, through the word of God. I urge this morning not to go by the facts, but to take God at his word. Not everything that is said, that you must apply in your life.

 Be selective in your listening, if it’s not aligned with the word, don’t speak that in your life. This is what the word says:, I have plans to prosper you not to harm you,  plans to give you a hope and future. I have made you the head and not the tail, and given you dominion over all things.

As I AM SO YOU ARE. I am blessed and can never be cursed; the Lord has blessed all the work of my hands. I am co-heir with Christ. I own the whole world. Those are the confession that you must daily make over your life, because you will become what you constantly say. You are a Victor in Christ!

Black nation:Our issues are soul deep!

There are deeper issues in the soul that are keeping black people out of financial freedom they were ordained to walk in, one of those strongholds, are jealousy. I have come to learn that the deep issues of hatred among black people, which many of times lead to bewitching others, come from a deep place of resentment and jealousy. I
It’s not only ezilalni where you hear of people being bewitched, but also within the corporate sector, among the educated you find black people behlebana, competing and doing all sought of horrible things, the root of it all being jealousy.

It will take the word of God to erase the slave mentality caused by apartheid, but more deeply than that we need the word of God, love, Christ, to deal with the deeper issues of the heart, that seem small as , but are causing so much damage. Love, is the key to success, outside of that God can’t do anything. He can’t bless a wicked heart.

 I am not saying that such issues are found among other races, am sure there are, but I’m just speaking from what I have seen. We need to ask God to daily deal with us as individuals, so that we  make sure that we are not sowing seeds of jealousy, which will later harvest into hatred.
Train your soul to applaud others when they have done well, compliment someone when they do good, or have a new look, celebrate others people‘s gifts. Always make sure that as God raises you up, there are others that you are pulling up with you..#lovetalk#


Not all of us are going to own empires like Donald Trump, not all us wilL fill stadiums with woman/men drooling over us and crying over our amazing voices. Not all will be known as the fastest man on earth and have big brands like Nike endorsing us. Not all of us will be national icons that get to represent our county with pride all around the world. Not all of us are created to  be popular but all of us are created to be EEFECTIVE.
You see it doesn’t  matter that many don’t know of you, but that is no reason  to  down play Gods purpose for  your life. It’s a great purpose, not because of the number of people that follow you, or sing your praises, but because of the ability of that purpose to impact/change lives for the better. So never look at those whose names God has made great and desire to be them or be envious of their success. The election of God is for his purpose and glory.
Your purpose may be to be behind the scenes, or you may be Joseph/Esther or David who despite their upbringing and persecution were always destined to be the forefront in what God wanted to do. So don’t look down on yourself, if yours is to impact just four people, and then do that with all your might because in those four are many nations.
If you are called for large platforms, remain humble, and use your greatness for the greater good of others. Either way may you excel in all God has called you to do.May you do it not for fame or popularity but for the advancement of Gods Kingdom and so that through your life , HIS name may be lifted up.

The enemy of vision is sight!

Myles Munroe once said that the enemy of vision is sight. Many of the rimes it’s what we see that discourages. We make the temporary challenges greater than the vision God has given us. A person who has a vision can’t be destroyed, you can try belittling them when they are down, but the vision in them will cause them to rise again. When you have a vision/a dream it will keep you going even when you think you can’t go on.

A vision will cause you to leave the masses and walk with those who will assist you in achieving the dream. If you are a dreamer, then like Joseph you will be ridiculed, criticised, and rejected, not because of anything you have done, but every attack is an indication of the magnitude of the dream. When you have a dream, then like a pregnant woman, you understand that what you are carrying is so precious and there are certain things you don’t eat, certain places you avoid, not because you don’t want to, but what you are carrying matters more than what you feel.

You are Gods dream, there is something great that God has created you to fulfil that only you can fulfil. There will be challenges on the way, but never speak out of fear, always speak Faith. Envision yourself living the life that you have always dreamed of, and then everyday work towards fulfilling that dream. You are going to make it, and yes it will cost you, some more than others, but you are the success of God. Speak life, see life, be life!

You will become what you continously confess!!

Lento isekuteteni (The issue is with your words) and then acting on the words. The woman with the issue of the blood said to herself, that “if I can just touch the helm of his garment I will be healed.” Waqiba naye(She assured herself), that if she can touch his helm ,she will be healed. Note that, she never consulted with anyone, but made up her mind that her healing would come once she got up and touched the helm of this garment. There are moments in life where you must not wait for man’s confirmation in order to walk into what God has called you to do, as long as he has said it, and then you must do it. At times too many voices, lead to fear and no action

What I love about this woman is that she didn’t just speak, but got up and did something about her confession. So many of us are telling people how great we are, the amazing  dreams we have , kodwa iminyaka iyandlula oko uteta(but you have been confessing for years) with nothing to show for  it. Faith without actions is dead.

SO SPEAK LIFE, THAT’SGOOD, then act on it, because nothing will happen until you make a move. So she said to herself, then after that, she made her way through the crowd and touched him. She pressed through the many people, amongst the critics, but she kept her focus on what she had said and didn’t allow anything to distract her. She touched him and she was made whole.

There is so much one can learn from this woman. But my question to you today though is what are you saying over your life? What confession are you making daily? Because you will become what you say. Then, what are you doing about what you have said? You are the success of God, a winner in Christ and that must be your daily confession, but with those words, act on your faith and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

Thats the love I want:Gods love!!

I am convinced, fully persuaded that LOVE is the key to success. It’s something else to say something because you have read it from a book, or you heard it being said by someone and you thought wow that sounds profound, but there is something about experiencing something that makes it more real and makes you more relevant to those who are in a similar situation.
I read a book once by Kenneth Copeland entitled “Love the key to success “ and at the time I was so convinced that I knew that love is. I mean I gave to the poor. I was always there to listen when a friend needed shoulder to cry on. I had good deeds lists and kept to it. After reading this book though it was like I was awakened to a new kind of love. A love that goes deeper than anything I knew and the deeper than the shallow love society promotes as real. The more I read the book the more of Gods heart towards humanity I began to understand. I now understood that love is his ministry and that’s why even today he is the greatest man who ever lived, because he mastered this beautiful spirit called Love.
My prayer recently has been God consume me with your Love. I want that love that took you to the cross, when you knew no sin. That love that made you cry on the cross ‘’ father forgive them for they know now that they do”, yet they nailed you to the cross. I want that love  that  made you see a Prophetess in prostitute, I want that love that made you lay down your life for met. Thats my hearts cry now, of all that I need in my love, I want to walk in perfect love.
I want to sit with those what do things I may not agree with and not judge them from within. I want to not look away when a begging child asks me for money from the car window. I want to speak well of those that I know don’t like me. I want to see God in all man. I want to know of people’s weakness and not talk behind their backs, but still hug them as if I care. I want to see God in the gay, God in the lesbian, God in the drunkard, God in the robber, God in the murderers, God in an atheist. I want to see and think the best of all people. It’s going to cost me I know, but I want to be consumed with AGAPE..I want Gods heart!

Build your life while you wait!

Like ANY other woman, marriage is a ministry I would love to enter. Like  on day. Like most ladies I wonder who my husband is, what he is like what he likes, but then I am reminded always that I am all that he is, cause I come from him .The one thing God has taught me though about marriage that it’s not something that you must rush into, it needs so much patience, because like anything that is born before time, there are long term consequent
 I always used to be so critical when it got the kind of man I want my husband to be, In my head he was flawless, perfect in every sway tell like I said other day I learned that Marriage: is not about finding a wife/husband that ideal to your list of criteria’s,i.e the man / woman of your dreams, such people don’t exist. But it’s about God divinely connecting you to a person that is will help you in fulfilling Gods purpose in you.
It was when I learned this that I became less worried about the caliber of man he is going to be, but more about the  kind of wife I would like to be to him. It is now less about how I want him to bam, but more about what he needs me to be, for the fulfillment of Gods purpose in him. You see I now know that I must maximize on my since years , and ensure that I deal with all the areas that God still needs to perfect in me, not because I am trying to be  perfect wife to him, but because anything I don’t deal with now, I will bring into the relationship. Singlehood, is the time to deal with all baggage that could have a negative impact on your relationship. Baggage can be anything, unresolved issues /feelings with old boyfriends, person insecurities, trust issues, low self-esteem, because I know now, that marriage does not and cannot solve that which I have not yielded to the Holy Spirits council and correction.
With all that said, hats important sad you wait ladies and gentlemen is that allow God the  Holy Spirit, to be YOUR personal savior to you first. Know him for yourself, as teacher, council and lover. Spend time with him; be naked and transparent with him about all issues of your life.He is so gentle, slow to anger and quick to love. He is love, let him teach you how to Love and what love is. Yield to him, for in him is all success.

Be a women of self control!

LADIES: The greatest gif, after love, that will keep you in your single hood is self-control. So many of the times we have said things like “he came unto me, or forced me to sleep with him “ and the truth of the matter is that you are always in control, until you don’t want to be. In no way I am saying a man is not right by wanting to sleep with you, nor am I ignoring the fact that there are some men who force themselves onto woman, actions that I totally condone.

But I am sure by now we are on the same page and you understand exactly in what context I am speaking. I have learned that the greatest person you must know is yourself, and when you know yourself, you will know what buttons someone has to press to get what they want out of you and the kind of situation /set ups that push you to compromise on standards that you have set for yourselves. I really do believe that we must come to maturity where we don’t put ourselves in a situation where will be tempt. We can no longer use term such as satan tempted me, that is not good enough of an excuse anymore.

For instance you know that if I guy ask you to come over to his place/room at 11 pm for a movie*not always making an example*, there is not going to be too much movie watching there, then why go when you know what that led to the last time he asked you to come over for a movie. It is such situations that you can avoid. Now there are men, who by grace, have mastered self-control, whom you can be around and know that you are so secure. On the contrary there are those guys whom when you are around you know that there will be mischief and it is fun, but always know that temporary satisfaction always has long term results.

In essence I am saying that we must mature now, move passed  they stage of just doing things cause it’s fun, because the truth of the matter , is that the things we did/do as fun, are the things that take the longest to overcome. Like I always say marriage will not solve what you never allowed God to change while you are single.

I used to always make the most perverted remarks every time I saw  a handsome guy walk passed me, and it became such a habit what, till  I said within, began to come out, and it was not attractive. Till God rebuked me and said that what you are doing now will become a habit that you will carry on doing even when you are married. Now I look, it’s only natural too, but never comments, only because I had to train myself daily to be disciplined in this area. That is what we should be doing as single ladies allowing God, through is word, to mature the immature areas in our lives.

LADIES, Yield to God the Holy Sprit, let him break you, make you, then shape you into the pearl and vessel of honour that he crated you to be. You are so precious, full of God divine purpose. You are royalty, you matter to God. If no one has ever told you this , then I am telling YOU are beautiful, amazing ,fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.

Ladies and the men that love them:Its about Remaining in Gods presence.”

Ladies...and Gentlemen: Adam was in God’s presence first and delighted himself in the Lord, for in Gods presence was all that Adam needed. Note it was God who said it’s not good for a man to be alone. Adam was so immersed in God that he didn’t even see a need for a companion.

As woman and men, I have seen that in our persuit for love, we tend to look for partners that will best meet our financial needs or partners whose features that will complement our egos. But with time all that vanishes. With time, he will get older, have grey hair. With time men, that figure, will become rounder, after giving birth to your children. Those legs will get less firm, and its then that you will realize, that love goes deeper than physical attraction.
I know in any relationship financial security is important, but more importantly than that is finding a woman . or man who loves Gods presence. Ladies do not go for him, because he drives a flashy car. MEN don’t be fooled by her good looks, her curvaceous body, those fade in time, but find in her woman who will love Gods presence, for in it are all things.
A woman who can download Gods heart for you is the key to your success. For she will always go before his throne on your behalf and always ensure that you are walking in Gods perfect will.
Woman desire a man who loves the presence of God, more than wanting to impress you with his many cars, desire a man who although he is one of the most powerful business men, but before God he can be  naked, weep and lay himself down as child before his father’s  feet. I really do believe that God is raising a caliber of dynamic young woman and men, who will walk in Kingdom wealth and when asked what they secret is, they will say : “ Remaining  in Gods presence.”


1. Fine Tune Your Focus.
Your level of focus has everything to do with stagnation or progression in life. Don’t take detours to destruction, via distractions. Vision gives you clear direction to avoid detours and distractions altogether…stay focused. When you’re focused, you can still have clear vision on a cloudy day. This is your time to focus, plan, and execute your vision to perfection…great opportunities await!

2. Be Blind To The Past.
You know you’re making progression, when everything around you is trying to stop you from moving to the next level. Sometimes it’s the past that tries to creep into your mindset to thwart your progress. In spite of it all, you’ve got to blast past your past. Philippians 3:13 reminds us to “forget those things which are behind and reach forward to those things which are ahead.” The past is a prison, but the future is freedom. Begin to breakthrough and walk in freedom, by presently breaking away from your past. Donʼt beat yourself up over something you canʼt change. Itʼs over…get up and
move your life forward!

3. Look Forward, Move Forward.
Your feet will generally take you to the destination where your eyes are focusing. You can’t go through life looking and walking backward or you’ll crash into your past. In order to look forward, you’re going to have to stop looking around and behind you. God’s got your back, so goodness and mercy are always following you. When your will and your soul is locked into progressing toward the goal, you can’t lose. Remind yourself that the best and blessed is yet to come…think forward, look forward, and move forward.

4. 3-D Vision.
Recognize that you are Distinct, Distinguished, and Destined to overcome the odds. Begin to see beyond what you see. Begin to see beyond your circumstance. Start walking by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). When you walk by faith, you transition from natural sight to supernatural vision. Start surrounding yourself with people who have vision, because they can see in you what you don’t see in yourself. How can the blind lead the blind? People with no vision want you to be blind like them. Connect to people who have vision! Vision helps you to see life through a different lens.

5. Vision Births Provision.
When you’re passionate about your purpose, it will ignite your vision. First your vision gets into your heart, your head, and then into your hands to create something great! Get away from negative people who want to kill the dream and abort the vision that’s within you. You’re pregnant with purpose, promise, possibility, and potential…it’s time to push that vision to another level and deliver your destiny. Get around people who are pro your vision, because that will be a springboard to ensuring provision. Your vision will take you where God’s provision will meet you!

By @EddieConnorJr

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Ladies:Everything in its own time!!!!!!!!!

Ladies: Do not become wives before your time. While I was at varsity I was so shocked to hear of girls who would do laundry for their boyfriends, clan his room, others even went as far as doing groceries and then allowing the boyfriend to keep it in his room, because that is where she cooks supper for the both of them.. I was so shocked the one day while walking with a class mate of mine, when she said that she has to rush quickly and go make supper for her boyfriend because he likes his supper at 6pmI was like ok, maybe I AM OLD SCHOLL, BUT THTS IS JUST OUT.
The truth is this that yes there are men who have not yet awakened*if they is such, but they exist* to their responsibility as a man, and such men will abuse you, especially when they see how attached you are to them. If you insist on buying groceries and keeping them at his room, he won’t say no, he will do what he sees you enjoying doing, and he benefits as well, SO why would he say no!
Nothing and maintain nothing will put together what GOD has not ordained. You can cook him a thousand of meals, take his laundry to the best Laundromat but if God did not permit your union, it will end within a blink of an eye. Your cooking, sex, running chores, must not be done to prove that you love him. If you have to work to seal your love for each other, then it is isn’t it.
Love is so easy, it doesn’t salve away, it doesn’t have to prove itself, it doesn’t have to get approval.  It works all by itself at the right time. So young ladies, don’t try so had to be loved that you be slave to man who doesn’t not know your worth. Find a lover, Christ that will sticks by you, not by your works, but because loving you is who he is and what he delights in.

Committed to win!

The saying goes, "practice makes perfect." Is that really true, if you're practicing the wrong way? If you practice shooting free throws with an incorrect shooting form, it'slikely that you’ll miss the majority of your shots. You will just become good at shooting the wrong way.

What are you shooting towards? What is your aim in life? Are you missing the mark or are you hitting the bulls eye? We must discipline ourselves and even do what is uncomfortable, to develop good fundamentals and perfect our lives.

Practice doesn't make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect.The same rules apply to life. In order to attain victory and cross the finish line of our vision it takes focus, consistency, determination, faith, and self-motivation. It's going to take discipline and commitment to perfect the ability, that you already possess within.

We must become comfortable with being uncomfortable and become uncomfortable with being comfortable.Nothing worth working for will always come easy, but the rewards come by stepping out on faith and taking a risk. Our tomorrows will NOT be brighter until our today's become better. We must tap into the power of self improvement and actualize our potential.

Nothing can ever defeat a committed will to win! Throughout the course of a day, how much time do you waste thinking negative? We must rid our minds of "stinking thinking." Your life is a by product of your thoughts. If you want to change your direction, change your thinking.

Expand your mind and expand your life. You can't live any better than your mindset. You can never live beyond or above what you’re thinking about. Your mind is designed to raise you above your circumstance, not bring you below it.

How much time will you waste this week, thinking and speaking negative? If you keep doing things the same way you've been doing them, I guarantee youʼll get the same results. Think differently, live differently, and your situation will turn out differently.

A committed mind and an undying will to overcome, amidst the obstacles, will always emerge triumphant. Be committed to WIN in life! Be committed to unlocking the greatness in YOU!


By:Eddie Connor Jnr


Monday, 7 October 2013

The Power of Righteousness

I believe that the one thing holding more Christians in bondage than anything else is a lack of knowledge of righteousness. Unfortunately over the years we have developed some religious words and ideas that we place one meaning on at church and entirely some other meaning on in our daily lives. Righteousness is one of these. Gods plan for redemption would be no value to sinful men is it did not included righteousness and its mighty force. This righteousness is the key word to the revelation which the Apostle Paul received from Jesus.

As you read through this  series, I believe you will begin to understand why this is one of the most fundamental messages that are paramount to the growth of many believer, for it is the key to true liberty.

“Therefore if any person is in Christ he is a new creation (a new creature altogether) the old (previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away. Behold the fresh and new has come. Any person who is in Christ is a new creature or a new creation.(The literal Greek says he is a new species of a being which never existed before).He has been completely recreated. Old things are passed away, all things are new, and all things are of God-no part God and part Satan. “

Some people think that a man is schizophrenic when he becomes a Christian-that he has both the nature of God and the nature of Satan-but this is not so in the new Birth, a man’s spirit is completely reborn; then it’s this man’s responsibility to renew his mind to the Word of God use the Word to take control of his body.

Ephesians 4vs 24-25: This scripture makes us understand what God made Jesus, Who knows no sin, to be sin for us to that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. As believes in Jesus Christ, we are the righteousness of God himself.

So I am sure you are asking what is to Righteousne?. Righteousness is not a goody-goody way of acting or something which can be attained .Righteousness is a free gift of God, provided by Jesus at cavalry through grace of God. Now I am not referring to out won righteousness-the bible says that in the eyes of God “all our righteousness are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64vs6).However, we have been given the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. Through our traditional thinking, we have confused righteousness with holiness. We think righteousness is the way you cat, but this is not true. Holiness is your conduct-righteousness is what and who you are, the nature of God.

Let me make this clearer for you: The word translated righteousness literally means to be in right standing. We have been put in right standing with God. Jesus is the mediator between God and man.When a man accepts Jesus, he is moved into position of new birth. He enters into the Kingdom of God as Gods very own children and a joint-hire with Jesus Christ. Consequently, there are certain privileges, certain rights, certain freedoms, that we as God because we in right standing with Him.

We didn’t get in right standing with God be being good or acting right. We got there through faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work at Calvary. When we accepted the sacrifice of Jesus and made him Lord of our lives, then God accepted us. He had to! You see, has already accepted Jesus worked on the cross. He judged is as good, glorified Jesus and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenlies. He called Jesus “God” and inaugurated Him into the highest office in the whole universe. Therefore, the father is obligated to accept us when we accept Jesus .Our conduct has absolutely nothing to do with it!

If you look at verse 19: To wit (or to know) that God was in Christ, reconciling the world into himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. In other words, God does not hold our sins and trespasses against us. Very rarely has the whole Gospel been preached-only pieces of it. We have heard that God will not forgive a sinner until he confesses his sin, but this is not true. God has already provided forgiveness and is not holding our trespasses against us. This teaching is about confession of sin stems from 1Johnvs9: If we confess our son, he is faithful to forgive us. However, this letter was written to Christians for the purpose of their maintaining fellowship with God.

The Apostle John wrote in Chapter 2verse 1, “My little children, these things I write unto you, that you don’t sin. And if man sin we have an advocate with the father .Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the world. John was referring to the sin of a Christian and was instruction his fellow believers to partake of Jesus the advocate ministry.

John 3vs16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son. God loved us and Jesus gave Himself for us while we were in sin/God is not holding our trespasses against us-He is calling is to make Jesus our Lord. He accepted us on the basis of Jesus right standing in and in turn, made us in right-standing with Him. The only son keeping anyone out of the Kingdom is the sin of rejecting Jesus and what he has provided.

As a citizen Of South Africa, you have certain rights, which are outlines in the constitution. As long as your obey the laws stated in the constitution then you are in right standing with the South Africa Government, The same thing is true in the Kingdom of God and you have everything you need in the Kingdom. There is a covenant between Jesus and God signed in the Blood of the lamb, which provided these rights for you. They are yours-no one can take these rights from you. If Jesus is your Lord, then you are in right standing with God-you have the righteousness of God (whether you partake of it or not).You have the right to every single thing which God has. This is staggering to the human mind, but nevertheless, it is true. Jesus said “Fear not little flock, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give to you the Kingdom (Luke12vs32)

Let’s stop here for today. Please do take time to look through the scripture references and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into deeper understanding of this topic.

*This  is not all my original writing, all the information in this series  is from a book entitled: The force of Righteousness by Kenneth Copeland*