About Lerato

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Build your life while you wait!

Like ANY other woman, marriage is a ministry I would love to enter. Like  on day. Like most ladies I wonder who my husband is, what he is like what he likes, but then I am reminded always that I am all that he is, cause I come from him .The one thing God has taught me though about marriage that it’s not something that you must rush into, it needs so much patience, because like anything that is born before time, there are long term consequent
 I always used to be so critical when it got the kind of man I want my husband to be, In my head he was flawless, perfect in every sway tell like I said other day I learned that Marriage: is not about finding a wife/husband that ideal to your list of criteria’s,i.e the man / woman of your dreams, such people don’t exist. But it’s about God divinely connecting you to a person that is will help you in fulfilling Gods purpose in you.
It was when I learned this that I became less worried about the caliber of man he is going to be, but more about the  kind of wife I would like to be to him. It is now less about how I want him to bam, but more about what he needs me to be, for the fulfillment of Gods purpose in him. You see I now know that I must maximize on my since years , and ensure that I deal with all the areas that God still needs to perfect in me, not because I am trying to be  perfect wife to him, but because anything I don’t deal with now, I will bring into the relationship. Singlehood, is the time to deal with all baggage that could have a negative impact on your relationship. Baggage can be anything, unresolved issues /feelings with old boyfriends, person insecurities, trust issues, low self-esteem, because I know now, that marriage does not and cannot solve that which I have not yielded to the Holy Spirits council and correction.
With all that said, hats important sad you wait ladies and gentlemen is that allow God the  Holy Spirit, to be YOUR personal savior to you first. Know him for yourself, as teacher, council and lover. Spend time with him; be naked and transparent with him about all issues of your life.He is so gentle, slow to anger and quick to love. He is love, let him teach you how to Love and what love is. Yield to him, for in him is all success.

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