In America, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a reminder that we can
overcome obstacles and live through dying places. All of us have been affected by
cancer, whether directly or indirectly. We must encourage our loved one’s/friends, to
schedule their Doctor’s appointments and increase their awareness about various forms
of cancer.
The saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” We must be more
proactive than reactive. It’s very important that we examine ways in which to improve
our lifestyles, eating habits, level of fitness, relationships, and overall personal
Every second in America, 2-3 people are diagnosed with cancer. Those are startling
statistics, yet harsh realities. Cancer is no respecter of age, race, gender, or economic
standing. A diagnosis is not a death sentence and the bright side is that there are 2.5
million breast cancer survivors, living in the United States.
How do you respond to the interruptions of life? How do you deal with hardship and
life’s challenges? These are the same questions I asked myself, being diagnosed with
cancer as a teenager. For nearly 2 years, I endured chemotherapy and radiation, 5 days
a week. The physical pain was unbearable with hair loss, nausea, spinal taps, etc.
Oftentimes the psychological pain took an even greater toll, where I wanted to give up
and die.
I was in the fight of my life, but I decided to resurrect faith in the midst of fear. I was at
death’s door, but I was determined to live. My belief connected with God’s healing
power and I gained the victory. To overcome I had to change my mindset from negative
to positive and see the impossible as I’m possible. I had to see the word “CAN” in
CANcer, that in spite of what I’m enduring I CAN make it and I CAN overcome…so CAN
You’re reading the words of a stage 4 CANcer survivor! By God’s grace and healing
power, I am alive today. I have overcome and continue to live through dying places.
YOU CAN too! In spite of the situation you’re facing, look at the pain and resurrect
power in the midst of it. Resurrect a smile in the midst of sadness. Resurrect a mindset
to overcome the odds. Shake yourself free from every breakdown and transform it into a
breakthrough…you can LIVE through DYING places!
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